Gifts that Count

Changing kids’ lives for eternity.

Support Local Young Life First

The foundation of Young Life's financial support is the individual or organization committed to making a difference in the lives of kids in their community. If you are not already doing so, please first support Young Life in your backyard.

My husband and I count it a privilege to give to the ministry of Young Life. As parents of two teenagers we know the value of having other adults speaking into our boys’ lives.

 — Marie

Why do I support Young Life internationally? Because for the past 40 years I’ve seen the difference it’s made for countless teenagers... and I was one of them. I want those who grow up in more challenging places to also hear about this God who loves them.

 — Bruce

There is no more critical time in a person’s life than their adolescent years. We firmly believe that our investment in this ministry is helping kids in our local area have a chance at a great life.
Thank you, Young Life!

 — Andrew and Elizabeth

Missionwide Giving Opportunities

Young Life in economically-depressed areas or countries where local support is difficult to raise

To learn more about these opportunities contact Young Life Development Services​ (877-438-9572). Online Giving​ allows you to designate your gift to these and other ministry areas. You may also choose to give via wire transfer​ orstocks/securities.

Leave a Legacy

A trustworthy track record since 1941
Questions about giving or your giving account? Please call 877-GET-YLSC (877-438-9572).