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Young Life and Schools
Young Life is a non-profit organization that reaches out to nearly 1.5 million middle school, high school and college students in communities across the United States and around the world. Young Life provides role models, safe activities and a sense of significance to these students. Founded in 1941 by a young pastor with a passion for the students in his community who had no interest in Christianity, Young Life offers kids:
The friendship of adults who take the time to relate to kids in their world.
A chance to gather and have fun in a safe setting outside of school.
An opportunity to consider the basic claims of the Christian faith in an environment that is respectful of each young person and of their religious and cultural traditions.*
During the school year, adult leaders (both staff and volunteers) build relationships with students attending the school to which they have been assigned. Leaders may attend school activities open to the public, meet with students at school during open access periods (with permission of school administrators) or organize activities open to all students. Young Life leaders are committed to knowing and following the guidelines regarding school access established by school officials.**
The central Young Life activity during the school year is a weekly gathering, called “club,” which usually meets in private homes. Club involves music, games and a brief talk by one of the leaders. Attending a weekend camp once or twice each school year is also a regular Young Life activity. Throughout the summer, Young Life operates week-long camps at premier camps around the world.
Young Life is active in all 50 states in the US and more than 100 countries around the globe, with over 3,400 full- and part-time staff and 40,000 volunteer leaders and local committee (the community-based adult support team). More than 150,000 kids attend weekly club meetings during the school year and in excess of 100,000 attend a Young Life camp either during the school year or during the summer. More quick facts on Young Life are available on the Facts at Your Fingertips page.
*Young Life is non-denominational. Our staff and volunteers are both Protestant and Catholic; all subscribe to Young Life's Statement of Faith.
**Young Life is aware of and seeks to comply with the law regarding the separation of church and state. While our programs in each community are generally organized according to the schools students attend, Young Life has no official affiliation with or endorsement by those schools. Young Life meetings rarely take place on school grounds, though our leaders often meet with individual students on campus. Any Young Life presence on school grounds always takes place in strict compliance with the First Amendment and within guidelines established by local school officials.
In addition, the safety of students in our programs is the highest priority for Young Life. All Young Life staff and volunteer leaders go through a careful screening process that consists of an application, interview(s), character references and criminal background checks. We will be happy to answer questions and provide more information about Young Life’s screening process. Please contact us.