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Camping Health, Consent and Release Forms
Every individual attending a Young Life summer camp (campers, leaders, volunteers, adult guests, infants and toddlers, etc.) must submit a completed health consent and release form, providing the camp with important medical and insurance information in the event of an accident or illness. This form must be completed before departure for camp.
To complete this form you will need:

Home Area
Young Life area number provided by your trip leader. You can also search by zip code.
(Ex: VA37)

Camp Name
Young Life Camp that you or your child is attending.
(Ex: Rockbridge)

Camp Dates
The camp dates that you or your child are attending.
(Ex: June 16th - 21st)

Health Insurance
Insurance company name, policy number, mailing address and phone.

Health History
Camper's health history including an immunization record.
Choose Camp Trip Length
Camp trips UP TO 72 hours
All attendees for Young Life trips less than 72 hours must complete the Short Health and Activity Consent Form. To complete the form online please contact your local staff person to receive a link to the digital consent form. To complete a PDF version of the form, follow the link below.
Do NOT email completed PDF forms due to the sensitive personal information they contain.
Camp trips 72 hours OR MORE
Health Form
Do NOT email completed forms due to HIPAA and personal information regulations.
Online Health Form Instructions
I have:
Used the online Health and Consent form before.
Copy a health form for a new camp trip:
1. Login to your online Health and Consent Form account using your previous username and password.
2. Choose form to copy. Select the Make a Copy button.

3. Select Same Individual or Another Family Member. Make a Copy.

4. Review and update the information for this trip and year.
5. Submit the form.
6. Determine if a physician's signature is needed.
If you are taking more than one camp trip:
You must have a separate form for each trip. Complete and submit one form; then copy it for your additional trip(s).
NOT used the online Health and Consent form before.
Create an account by clicking the green button below and using the Create an Account link on that page.
1. Click the Create New Form button.
2. Create your online signature.
- A parent or legal guardian must sign the form if the camper is under the age of 18.
3. Complete each page of the form. Click Save and Continue at the end of each page to save your work and continue to the next page.
- Note - If you desire to upload an insurance card, be sure to do so BEFORE you submit the form.
4. Click the Submit Form button.
More than one family member attending camp.
If more than one child is traveling to a Young Life Camp from the same family, you can use the Copy Form function to copy basic information from one health form to another. To copy a health form for another family member:
1. Select the form you want to copy by selecting the blue bar. Make a Copy button.

2. Select Another Family Member. Make a Copy.

3. Verify your online signature.
- A parent or legal guardian must sign the form if the camper is under the age of 18 or under the age of 19 for Malibu Club and Beyond Malibu.
4. Review and update ALL information for this family member.
- Note - If you desire to upload a copy of an insurance card, be sure to do so BEFORE you submit the form.
5. Submit the form.
6. Determine if a physician's signature form is required.
I am attending:
Lake Champion or Saranac Village
Anyone traveling to a Young Life Camp in New York must also complete a Prescription and Over-The-Counter Medication Rider To Health Consent and Release Form:
- Prescription and Over-The-Counter Medication Rider to Health Consent and Release Form
- Other documentation may be needed. Please confirm any other documents with your trip leader.
Anyone traveling to Lake Champion must attach a record of immunization to the Health Consent and Release Form. This official record must show 2 doses of the MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) vaccination and be on letterhead from the provider or have a valid signature by the medical professional.
Online Health Form Questions
When is a medical signature required?
The online health form application will determine if a medical signature is required. The following individuals must obtain a medical signature on the YL - 6007 or medical signature form:
- Is attending Beyond Malibu OR Castaway Club*, OR
- Is a camper or work crew that is pregnant or has given birth within 12 weeks of the camp date, OR
- Is an infant between 6-12 weeks during the camp trip, OR
- Is attending Crooked Creek Ranch AND is a Wyldlife camper OR is under the age of 18 at the time of submission, and meets certain medical criteria as defined by the state of Colorado (click to view criteria).
- Is attending Wilderness Ranch AND is under the age of 18 at the time of submission Or is over 18 but meets certain medical criteria
*Adult Guests are not required to obtain a medical signature on the YL - 6007.
Note: When a medical signature is required, the signature must be obtained within the same calendar year as the camp trip on the Young Life Camping Health Consent and Release Form. This may be completed by a Physician, Physician Assistant, or Nurse Practitioner only.
You are able to use the Online Health and Consent form when a medical signature is required. To do so:
1. Upload a completed form to the Online Health and Consent form.
2. Bring the completed form to camp with you.
1. Complete and submit the Online Health and Consent form.
Note: This form is now in Awaiting Physician Signature state.
2. To Print the Physician Signature Form: Select the View (Printable) Physician's Signature Amendment link. Print the form.

3. Have the physician sign the completed form.
4. Submit or upload the Physician’s Signature Form. You have two options:
Option 1: Have a physician sign and fax (1-866-381-4156) the completed addendum to the number listed on the form.*
This is the preferred method.
Note: Once the form has been signed by a physician and faxed it is now in the Complete state.
Option 2: Upload a PDF, high resolution JPEG, GIF or PNG of the signed Physician’s Signature Form. To do this:
- Login to your Young Life health form account at
- Select the health form by clicking the blue bar. Select View Physician Signature Form.

- In the new window, select Browse. Select file on your computer. Upload.

- Please allow up to 30 minutes for the file to be processed. Your health form status will change from Awaiting Physician Signature to Complete.
* Many walk in clinics can provide this service.
How do I upload Immunization Records?
An Immunization Record or Exemption Letter may be uploaded to an online health consent and release form while a parent is completing the form or it may be uploaded after the form is submitted.
Immunization records may be uploaded as PDF, JPEG or PNG files.
To upload an Immunization Record or Letter of Exemption after the form is submitted:
- Log in to your Young Life health form account:
- Select the health form by clicking the blue bar:

- Choose View Immunization Record:

- Browse. Choose Immunization file on your computer. Save.

Uploading a new Immunization Record will replace the current Immunization Record or Letter of Exemption that was previously uploaded or entered into the online health form.
Call Camping Services at 719-381-1844 or email us at if you have any questions.
What is a Registrant ID and Access Code?
Don't have a Registrant ID or Access Code?
When a parent logs in to the online Young Life Health Consent and Release Form, they will be asked for a Registrant ID and Access Code. If the parent does not have these, please select the "Don't have a registrant id?" blue button. The parent will then be able to begin their camper's health form.

Additional Questions
For general camp trip questions, contact your local Young Life area.
For questions on completing the Health Form, contact Camping Support by email or phone at 719-381-1844.