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What is Young Life Camping?
Young Life camping involves high adventure, lots of fun, great food and excellent speakers who understand and respect high school and middle school kids. At Young Life's camps in North America, kids are treated to resort-quality facilities, for which Young Life has become known.
As Young Life's worldwide outreach continues to grow,
our camping program is expanding as well, with Young Life-owned or leased camps in a number of international locations.
Regardless of the facility, the experience is the same —
kids getting away from the pressures of everyday life, having fun with friends and their Young Life leaders, and hearing the message of God's love in terms they can understand.
Each Year,
hundreds of thousands of kids around the world spend a week or a weekend at Young Life camp, having an experience that many describe as
the best week of their lives.
Caring for Kids
As an organization committed to the very best in life for young people, Young Life takes seriously the work of screening, selecting, training and supervising staff and volunteers. We hold those in positions of trust and influence in the lives of participants in our programs to the highest standards of personal conduct.
We also take great care to provide training, resources and oversight to ensure that program activities – ranging from weekly gatherings during the school year to summer camping – are safe, positive experiences for all participants.
If you have questions about the practices and policies behind Young Life’s commitment to ensure the best possible experience for every kid, please contact us.